The Breathing Rooms Memberships

Our memberhips are tailored to how you like to use The Breathing Rooms.

You don't have to be a member to visit The Breathing Rooms. If you decide to become a member during or after your visit, and have paid full price on booking, we will refund that and start you on your new membership rate right away.

Two women walking with robes into the Himalayan Salt Room at The Spa Club

The Total Reset Membership

At $150 per month this All-Access Membership provides the deepest value for members. Visit any room up to three times a month and save up to $300 off menu prices! For example, if you come once to the Spa Club it's $150. Come two more times in any given month for free with this membership! And ALL of the other rooms at The Breathing Rooms are available to you too when you just have time for a quick Infrared Sauna, Salt Room, Immersive Meditation Room or Float.

  • Deep savings on standard prices every time you come.
  • No Joining Fee.
  • 4 Hour Cancellation Window (48 Hours for Non-Members).
  • Only a 6 month commitment.
  • Start saving during your visit or online - it just takes a second to add you to the club.
  • Bring family or friends at a 30% discount

Contact us to start out within 48 hours of a visit where you paid full price and we will refund the difference and start you on your memberhsip rate right away.

Join Now

The Private Rooms Membership

This membership gets you three visits a month to our Private Rooms - The Himalayan Salt Room, The Infrared Sauna Room, The Immersive Meditation Room or the Float Room. You will save up to 50% on our standard rates.
You may combine the rooms on one visit or come several times and use each one individually.

45 Minutes in Private Infrared Sauna
45 Minutes in Private Himalayan Salt Room

45 Minutes in Immersive Meditation Rooms
60 Mins in Private Open-Tank Float Room (limit 2 per month).

the breathing rooms


Duration: Membership starts with a 6 Month Term.
Cancellation: Post the initial term, please give 30 days' notice to cancel.

Need Extra Passes? Of course you will. Extra visits are always at your membership rate.

Payments: Membership fees are paid monthly.
Pricing Updates: We may adjust prices occasionally, but once you are a member your price is locked in for one year.

Curiosity Sparked?

Any further queries or just want to chat? We’re here for you.

Drop us a message anytime.

Women chatting and relaxing in the himalayan salt room
couple relaxing and healing in the salt booth room
Woman relaxing in the infrared sauna room